
Hello Every one

I'm 'YellowPearl8186' (Not my real name of course) :)

I'm almost Forty Six years old and have officially been a sufferer of Depression and Anxiety for the past ten years, in truth it has been there for a heck of a lot longer.

Anyway to cut a long story short, as Spandau Ballet would say, It has been in my latest and nastiest bout of depression and anxiety that my opinion of being Asperger's has increased to the point where I believe totally that I am Aspergic and some of the problems and haunting experiences and thoughts from both Child and Adulthood kind of snapped into place, or at least kind of made a sort of sense. (my obession with Roads, Trains, Television, Top of the Pops, noticing things that no one else seems to notice)

I had councelling with several different people, all of whom dismissed/weren't interested/Glossed over my thoughts that I might be Aspergic (Usually with the comment that diagnosos in Adults is virtually impossible.)  However after a bit of coaxing I managed to get my councellor to write a letter to my GP asking then to refer me for diagnosis.

After a few months I received a letter from 'The Kingswood Centre' in North West London with the relevant forms to fill in and this was shortly followed by a letter asking me to come in for an assessment. Three weeks later another letter arrived to say that funding had been cut and they could no longer honour my appointment. (This happened at the beginning of 2016)

I spoke to my GP and she agreed to look into the matter and see if there was a way around it, sadly she left about two months later and I saw her replacement who advised that she was new and would need to see what had happened so far, after a couple of months of stalling she admitted that my referral had been passed to one of the partners in the practice.

Jumping to the week just gone, I finally managed to see the 'Partner GP' who was supposedly handling the referral. Basically he just tried to Bulls**t his way out of the matter by saying that ' I had not reached the criterior to merit being assessed' when I argued that if that was the case it would have been dismissed before offering an appointment.

Having lost that argument he tried the old 'Difficult to diagnose in Adults' routine.

Then he implied that it was the fault of the local health authority because they had no provision for this kind of thing and they have to refer it to another.

Playing devils advocate I asked him when the last time he received correspondance on this, he eventually admitted that he had been give this some five months ago and had done absolutely nothing.

He said he would look into it and I should contact him again in around three weeks for an update. (Since then I 've found out he goes on Holiday in two weeks and will be away three weeks!)

Anyway enough waffling from me, thank you for readign this I hope it cured your insommnia (if you had it of course!).