Experience Welcome!


Im new to this site and never used a forum site before now but I am at a loss as to what to do with my son.


X is age 9

X goes to main stream school

X has had 1 assesment with a paedatrician where it has been ageed X has autism traits linked to behaviour

X is due to see the paedratrician again end of Feb (earliest appt we could get after chasing it up!)

X is not on any form of medication

X was requested by the school to see a paedritican for a diagnosis

X has a limited lack of concentration

X is a bright, intelligent child but lacks common sense ie crossing the road - will just run out without checking for cars

X is academically on track/advanced in all areas

X struggles socially with peers/other children

X prefers to work on his own away from the main classroom - this has been agreed by the school as acceptable

X tries to make friends with other children but doesnt have 1 friend - he has many, none of which he gets invited to play with outside of school

X does attend external groups where he can make more friends outside of school and have further interaction

X school have raised concerns about his behaviour towards other children in terms of boundaries and not understanding when other children say no

X has made sexual comments to girls such as 'you would look better without your clothes on' - when challenged about this he doesnt understand what he has said and why. He seems to think it is ok to say this.

X was set up by other children to play kiss chase - when a girl said no - he was 'egged' on to continue by the other children - the school told x off and he was repremanded although he tried to explain that he was 'egged' on, he couldnt understand that no meant no - the school would not tolerate this and as parents we were called into the school. I say set up by children as he doesnt seem to understand right from wrong and wants to fit in. X often seems to be 'used' by other children and will often be blamed/caught at incidents where other children have put him in a situation.

X cannot lie - he is very honest

X takes things very literal

X has been 'caught' in the past looking on the internet (you tube) in history showing 'naked weather girls' - he no longer has access to you tube and has full supervision when using the internet

X is an only child

X will cry and say he doesnt understand/doesnt know why/cant remember

X will kick out if routines/plans for the day are not followed

X will kick out over simple things like 'pick up your coat off the floor' - kick out will mean a melt down which can last anything from 2 minutes to an hour - depending on situation. This can happen at least once a day.

X is getting bigger and as a parent I physically struggle to cope with the strength he has in him when kicking out - he lashes out, cries uncontrollable, is inconsolable, breathing pattern is erractic, goes red, pulls at his hair, continually chants to himself to calm down. He will throw objects near to him. Have tried putting him into a safe area but involves physically lifting him which is getting more difficult. At the end of the episode he is sorry and remorseful.

X parents are divorced - he lives with his mother and sees his father once a week and stays overnight

X father has 2 other children (girl Y and boy Z)


X was at his fathers when mother received a call asking to come and collect him

When mother arrived X was upset and crying

Mother asked what was going on - father advised X and Y (age 7) was playing in the bedroom with the door closed

Mother asked father why was the bedroom door closed when father aware of issues raised by school - answer was that they were told to be quiet whilst Z taking a nap

Father went to check on them playing when X ran out saying 'I didnt do anything, it wasnt me'

Upon furhter investigation - X and Y were playing a game

X asked Y to take her top off

Y did so

X touched her chest area - he is adement as is Y that X didnt not touch anywhere else

X and Y were under the duvet playing 'grown ups'

X said he didnt know what he was doing and cant remember why he did it

Both X & Y were spoken to at length by all parents about the consequences of what they had done.

X was taken home by mother and he was very remorseful but couldnt really understand the severity of what implications this situation could have had.


Im asking if any other parent have experienced this?

How did you react?

What would you do in my situation?

Any advice?

Apologies if this is very long winded but wanted to give you an overview of what Im facing.

Thanks x

  • Thank you for your reply and taking the time to read the post - I wil have a look at the Manhood book. Much appreciated :)

  • Hi smilybirdie,

    Sorry to hear you are having problems with X. Sounds to me like like hormones kicking in and experimenting going on.

    I once came across an autistic lad who was extremely strong and impossible to "control" physically. He needed a male mentor who was capable of being "stronger" mentally and physically than he was to show him the right way to behave if he was to survive in the world.

    His father is the best person to do this, if not you must find someone else to teach him the rules society expects of him.

    The book "Manhood" by Steve Biddulph has useful advice about when young men need male input to move from Mother to Father and start to grow into adult men.

    You should not accept abusive behaviour from X. He must learn it is not acceptable.

    Best wishes , take care, Laddie.