Ten fun facts about me

1) I was diagnosed when I was 15 ( I thought this was late but then I saw when all you were diaganosed and I don't feel so bad anymore!)

2) My New Years Resoltion is to not have any meltdowns ( and so far I am achieving this)

3) I don't have any friends so I've come on this website to find some!

4) I am a massive Harry Potter fan and my dream is to go to Harry Potter World some day.

5) My favourite musician is Grace Vanderwaal and for Christmas I got a signed CD of hers!!

6) I have a birth mark behind my left eye and I only know because the optician took a photo of it and showed me.

7) I have a not so little sister who loves makeup, youtube and hanging out with her friends. She means the world to me and we get along really well. 

8) My favourite Harry Potter character is Severus Snape because I love how he is actually good underneath all his badness and this shows that you shouldn't judge people just from how they act as you do not know how they are feeling underneath. Plus I just love him and Alan Rickman.

9) I like reading mystery books and i am now going to a teen book cafe at the libary to socialise more.

10) My favourite subject at school is admin and in the future my dream job is to be an admin assistant or a PA. 

Thanks for taking the time to read my ten fun facts about me. My challenge is for all of you to tell me your ten fun facts about yourselves as I am interested to know more about you. 

    1. I was diagnosed in december, at the age of 26
    2. My resolution this year was to get the book i've been writing published
    3. I love just about all the major fantasy novels you could name, as well as sci-fi movies, superhero comics and gritty teen dramas
    4. I own property in london that I rent out to people who are absolutly crazy but have never missed a payment
    5. I have a rather scattershot taste in music, so I don't really have a favourite muscian; but i do have a favourite song and thats Mr. Brightside
    6. I wish to travel oneday and experience firsthand all the exotic locations I've been reading and writing about
    7. I have a tattoo; I had it done in protest to my country's decision to leave the EU.  Its the UK coloured blue and encircled by stars adorning my right shoulder
    8. When I'm not being crushed by my social anxieties, I attend a weekly boardgames and pub gathering. I don't win often but when I do I let it be known
    9. I'm learning how to drive
    10. I'm a novice LARPer (Live Action Role Player, look it up), but hopefully knowing how to drive will allow me more possiblities to attend in the future

    I don't have any strong friendships with anyone, I didn't include that in the fun facts about me.  I thought I had friends but have come to realise I can't really talk about what I'm going through with anyone I know, yet.  I'd really like to make friends here, if anyone knows how.

    1. I was diagnosed in december, at the age of 26
    2. My resolution this year was to get the book i've been writing published
    3. I love just about all the major fantasy novels you could name, as well as sci-fi movies, superhero comics and gritty teen dramas
    4. I own property in london that I rent out to people who are absolutly crazy but have never missed a payment
    5. I have a rather scattershot taste in music, so I don't really have a favourite muscian; but i do have a favourite song and thats Mr. Brightside
    6. I wish to travel oneday and experience firsthand all the exotic locations I've been reading and writing about
    7. I have a tattoo; I had it done in protest to my country's decision to leave the EU.  Its the UK coloured blue and encircled by stars adorning my right shoulder
    8. When I'm not being crushed by my social anxieties, I attend a weekly boardgames and pub gathering. I don't win often but when I do I let it be known
    9. I'm learning how to drive
    10. I'm a novice LARPer (Live Action Role Player, look it up), but hopefully knowing how to drive will allow me more possiblities to attend in the future

    I don't have any strong friendships with anyone, I didn't include that in the fun facts about me.  I thought I had friends but have come to realise I can't really talk about what I'm going through with anyone I know, yet.  I'd really like to make friends here, if anyone knows how.

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