
Hi.  I'm a single Mum of a 5-year-old boy who looks increasingly like he's on the Autism spectrum probably with Aspergers and I've recently been to the doctor's to get a CAHMS referral as advised by the school which he just started in September.  Lovely to have to have the support from the school and I've suspected for some time, but still feels like a bit of a shock. I'm trying to take a day at a time!... 

  • Thanks ever so much for your reply, Birdie. Lovely to hear from you and pleased to hear I'm not the only one. Good idea to keep a diary. I'll start doing that more regularly. I'm in the West Midlands and will have a look at Pinpoint. Thanks for the suggestion.It is kind of a relief as I kept getting told I needed to discipline him but I knew it didn't work. The school have said that we'll take it a term at a time and perhaps get an EHCP done later on if I want him to go to a specialist school. I'm working full-time and am on my own so it's quite hard at the moment. Your reply has helped though and I'm sure once he gets a diagnosis I'll get some support. My son is also very funny!

  • Hi Sparkle, I'm also the mum of a 5 year old boy, like yourself I suspected for a while my son was on the spectrum but it was'nt until he went to school it was noticeable, he's now in year 1. It is a bit of a shock and I think it just takes time to come to terms with it but it is'nt a bad thing just means that your little boy's way through life may be a bit different to everybody else's. I don't know where you are in the country but generally you can find help and advice, I'm in Cambridgeshire and we have a great support group through Pinpoint (check out their website) they hold groups where they get guest speakers or you can just go and offload its a ASD/ADHD group as the two often go hand in hand.

    Its brilliant that the school is helping, we are trying for an EHCP (Educational Health and Care Plan), you can also get the HT to refer you for an Occupation Therapist which may send you on a course to help with the sensory side of things and there are a tonne of books which really help. You are doing the right thing and taking each day as it comes, finding triggers for behavioural issues is a must (something I'm doing) and keep a diary, something he does today maybe a reaction to an issue a couple of days ago keep that in mind. Stay positive and remember to keep your sense of humour, even on a bad day I remember that my boy is the funniest person I know!