Hi everyone, here to learn

Hi all, I've joined the community to educate myself with information on Autism. A lifelong friend of mine who is nearly 30 was diagnosed a few years ago, after several years of struggling socially etc and I now find myself with a daughter, who is just over one, displaying some strange behaviours. I'm not saying at all that she may be on the autistic spectrum but am intrigued to know at what age did loved ones notice things. Ive tried discussing with my.gp, and my health visitor but I feel that as im on antidepressants, they perceive me as an overworried mum so have decided that I must look into things myself. I love my daughter to bits, but have always struggled with her sleep, she pulls at her hair when stressed or tired to the point she pulls clumps of it out, throws horrendous tantrums making herself sick, refuses affection from anyone other than myself and sometimes just screams if.anyone tries to communicate with her. Anyway, its always good to learn, so here I am. Nice to meet you all xxxx