Hello - Looking for information on 6 year old with tantrums

Hi there

Just joined and was hoping for some information that might help going forward

My son Connor is 6 years old and was diagnosed with autism 2.5 years ago

Most of the time he is a happy boy,  he has his sensory challenges and only eats 3-4 types of food.

Recently though he has went through a change in that he is having violent outbursts and there is no reasoning with him

This can happen in the car if i do not get too a parking space quick enough.

Or if we are shopping and we are not at the car fast enough.

Or even something daft like the street lights come on too early.

As I said he was never this angry and he hits me quite a lot(which I can handle) but I am more afraid that he hits my wife or my baby daughter as he is getting strong now

Any advice would be great

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