In Limbo - Autistic or not? That is the question

I'm Michael and I'm pretty sure I'm on the spectrum. I'm 30 years old and have always felt different in the way I see and do things. I did some research into ASD and found it ticked a lot of boxes, went to my GP and am currently waiting for my assessment appointment.

It might not be very PC to say this, but I want to have the label of being on the spectrum as it will answer a lot of questions I have about my behaviour and why I struggle with certain things.

My work can be very stressful and these stresses I keep bottled up until they burst out in fits of bad temper when no-one understands my way of thinking.

Other aspects I struggle to get my head around is compassion especially when my wife is upset, usually at my behaviour, I shut down all compassion and empathy - much to her understandable annoyance.

My Specialist Learning Advisor at Uni pointed me to this site so hopefully I can communicate with other people who may be going through what I do.

It'll be nice hearing from you guys!


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