
Hi ,

Thought Id introduce myself and my daughter. Lucy is 5 1/2 years old and has recently been diagnosed with Autism. Its been a long process. When she was born they thought she had downs syndrome and we were prepared for this. Genetic testing proved otherwise so we went home relieved. 4 months later Lucy suffered from Infantile Spasms a rare form of seizures. Our world fell apart, all tests showed no cause and we still dont know now except its probably genetic. Cut long story short she started talking at 3 1/2 years old and is now talking but alot is copy speak. Was given a diagnosis at 5 years old and explained she was complicated !!! I am a staff nurse and feel I should be prepared but im not. Its a hard journey but she brings me so much love and laughterI have a fantastic supportive husband and 2 other wonderful daughters.

Thanks for listening