Hello from Forest

Hi all

I am here to get more information on Autism and more specifically Aspergers.

All my life I have felt that something is not right with me, many people have told me this and I am unable to disagree with this statement. Although I am capable of understanding advanced computational priniciples and being refered to as a natural problem solver, I can't seem to understand people, or solve the problems that I have with human interaction. It has been suggested by one of my previous therapists that I may be on the ASD spectrum, something that I dismissed at the time due to misunderstandings about ASD, but having had it suggested again by another therapist am forced to consider it as a possibility.

I will leave my introduction at that and take the remainder of what I have to say to the appropriate section of the forum.

Thanks for taking the time to read my introduction.


  • It appears the forums are moderated by a moderation bot, which uses algorithms to determine what needs moderating and what can be posted. If something gets stopped it goes into a holding area for someone to release it, from the lack of the post appearing one of 3 situations is likely to be true.

    1- nobody checks it, messages just build up there to be forgotten about for eternity.

    2- it is checked, but not regularly, there isn't many mods and they get round to them when they can

    3- It's already been checked, someone didn't get my sarcasm and decided it should be blocked, and notifications aren't set up to let people know moderation outcomes.

  • It appears the forums are moderated by a moderation bot, which uses algorithms to determine what needs moderating and what can be posted. If something gets stopped it goes into a holding area for someone to release it, from the lack of the post appearing one of 3 situations is likely to be true.

    1- nobody checks it, messages just build up there to be forgotten about for eternity.

    2- it is checked, but not regularly, there isn't many mods and they get round to them when they can

    3- It's already been checked, someone didn't get my sarcasm and decided it should be blocked, and notifications aren't set up to let people know moderation outcomes.

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