23 Year old from Plymouth with mild Aspergers & Dyspraxia.

Hello everyone!

I'm Michael from Plymouth, Southwest England. Since being diagnosed at 12, I've passed through GCSES, Alevel and even achieved a First Class Degree at University.

Since graduating I have had a good number of jobs, all which have been short lived due to short-term contracts, I'm in the notice period of my current one as I write...

I honestly feel a bit lost at the moment both personally and with my future career aspects...Is there anyone in Plymouth who has felt the same, or who has the same austic level as I do?

  • Hi Mike, welcome to the forum.

    There is a section on this website which may have details of what you're looking for - under "schools and services". If not, you could try the website "Aspie Village" where some people arrange meet ups. 

    But if you need urgent advice about anything, feel free to ask on here - usually someone will try to help.