This is my poem to the world today

So who am I? I am who I am, that’s who I am. I am who has a name. I am who is an enigma, a conundrum, a frustrating puzzle that cannot be put back together. I am that piece of the puzzle that does not fit into the big picture, the picture that is your world. Like Humpty Dumpty had a great fall and all the King’s men could not put him back together again. You want to put me into a box, a pigeon hole. You want to categorize me, judge me. You want to simplify me into a caricature. You want to label me, reduce me to one or two words. You want to turn me into an object, a thing to like or dislike, a thing to use or abuse, to manage, to control for your convenience and pleasure, and profit. You want me to obey, follow your rules. When I am silent you want me to speak, when I speak you want me to be silent. Metaphorically speaking, you want to keep me like a rat in a cage, or kill me like a rat in a sewer. That’s who I am. I am like a picture hanging crooked on a wall, annoying your sense of symmetry, your sense of order. You have to try and straighten the un-straightable, to fix the unfixable.You walk away in disgust and in a huff. You don’t care if I drown in my tears. You mutter under your breath that you are not Mother Theresa or something. I look in the mirror, the mirror cracks, the mirror shatters into a million pieces, a million reflections of pain.

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