Newbie: Undiagnosed Aspergers? Aged 61

Hello everyone.  I am a 61 year old male whom others often think of as having strange habits and strange ideas.  I am also 'stuck in my ways'.  I find that I am frequently misunderstood and have problems with spoken communication at times.  For example when someone asks 'How are you', not knowing what to say so I'll say something like 'I'll live'.  I am very abrupt with answers, often resorting to one or two words and not carrying on the conversation.  I speak inappropriately at the wrong times in meetings, play unnecessarily with, for example, paper cups to the annoyance of others without realising what I am doing and am often talking to myself.

Conversely, once I get going on a topic that I have an interest in, I talk the hind legs off a donkey, not knowing when to stop and boring the pants off the recipient of my talk.  Job interviews have always been a problem, I have been told I do not engage enough eye contact and either fidget a lot or sit bolt upright with my arms folded.  I have failed so many job interviews that I am a candidate for the Guinness Book of Records.  This led to a l-o-n-g period of unemployment lasting twenty years from my twenties to my forties.

Recently, my job changed-  I used to work as a data manager but having been Tuped over it changed to an office administrator.  I cannot work how I would like and I know there are better ways of doing things but I am not allowed to do them the way I want (I am very computer literate).  This has caused problems with accuracy by working in a way that is not how I like to work and also there are so many interuptions that I find it difficult to complete the tasks and it has caused so much stress and anxiety that I am now on long term sickness for stress manifesting itself in anxiety and depression. 

I strongly suspect I may have Aspergers.  Some time ago I took the Aspergers Test (self took, not with a doctor) and got a score of 42.  Taking it again recently had the same result.  I am aware that self tests are not necessarily accurate but I think a lot of my experiences fit in with Aspergers.    I have been trying to convince my GP to refer me for a proper assessment but it is so far falling on deaf ears.  I believe an assessment if positive would provide me with a strong case for adjustments at work so that I can better cope.  What do others think?

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