Kiwi mummy new to ASD

Hi everyone

Feeling quite emotional right now as our only son (3 yrs) has just been diagnosed with autism.  

We have struggled with some difficult behaviours for a long time, namely lack of language and extraordinary tantrums. So I suppose a diagnosis is a good thing because we can now move this forward and get him some langauge therapy.

He has some totally endearing traits as a result of his ASD too, but which I am now seeing in a new light. I feel like there is suddenly a distinction to be made between what's "him" and what's the "condition". I feel like I don't know him so well anymore. Am I crazy for thinking this way? How do I stop doing that?

Logically, I realise ASD is just a classification, a brain type, and nothing has changed about my son. But at the same time we have opened the doors to a condition of which I know little, and I am overwhelmed by what that means and what is to come.

I'm hoping this forum will be a good source of support, especially from other parents who have struggled with the language difficulties and those very intense tantrums.

Seeking your valuable insights for a confused and scared parent.

- MeeMoo (as named by our son!)

  • Thanks Crystal :)

    I'm gonna check out the parenting forum and see if anyone can help me with the tantrums....


  • Hi Kiwi mum - welcome to the forums.  Your reactions and concerns are normal following diagnosis.  There's a lot to get your head around.  Don't try to learn everything at once - bite sized chunks of info is best imo.  Check out the posts - loads of info to guide you.  Ask anything you want.  Routine is very important.  A visual timetable for each day should help your child with his anxiety about what comes next.  Has he got any sensory issues such as noise, smells, touch, etc?  Tell us a bit more and people will join in.