Hi there - just a bit about me (new member)

Hi there,

I am a 19 year old female and I was finally diagnosed with high functioning autism last week. I love learning languages and particularly like talking to native speakers!! I also enjoy singer-songwriting and use this as a way of exploring how I'm feeling.

I have had various mental health issues in the past, including anxiety and OCD and have recently been an inpatient in an eating disorder unit, where they recognised certain ASD traits and referred me for an assessment.

The diagnosis, whilst a shock to my parents, has actually been a massive relief for me and I now feel that I can fully be myself and accept myself more.

So I guess I'm just here to say hi and maybe to meet other people who I can relate to. Maybe there's someone who shares similar interests? Or maybe someone has a particular hobby or interest which I might also like?

It would just be nice to be able to chat with people and I'm already finding lots of the discussions very useful! 

So thank you!

  • Hi Language lover and welcome to the forum 

    I'm a middle aged female who only found out recently that I am on the autistic spectrum. 

    I've always loved language and reading. As a young girl I enjoyed books like the Narnia chronicles and Alice through the looking Glass. Later I really got into science fiction, fantasy and horror and I particularly enjoy vampire novels. 

    My favourite movies are in a similar genre to the books I enjoy, particularly when they also employ humour, such as ghostbusters, men in black and independence day, but I also like more serious ones such as Alien, twelve monkeys, and blade runner. 

    Going back to language, I enjoyed learning French and Spanish at school but I find understanding the spoken language more difficult than when it is written - I've heard that autism makes us very visual learners and that's certainly true for me.

    I enjoyed music a lot when I was young and taught myself to play guitar at the age of 11. Unlike my female peers I wasn't much into "boy bands". I liked Queen, David Bowie, Pink Floyd and The Clash. Later my husband introduced me to ambient music which is now my favourite genre. 

    I've always had an appreciation of art and design, but I hate it when people are pretentious about it. I remember walking through the Guggenheim gallery in Venice with my husband, giggling together at some of the pieces of "art" on display, to then be taken aback by other pieces which were truly amazing.  We both love the work of the abstract painter Wassily Kandinsky and I've just ordered a print of a painting he did in 1922 to put in our apartment. 

    My art and design fascination includes fashion to a lesser extent, which along with my love of food gives me conversation topics to use with the women at work. I have to be comfortable in what I wear though, so I don't like to buy tight clothes or high heels, but I can admire them on someone else if they look good. 

    I watch a lot of TV and love comedy like 8 out of 10 cats does countdown, not going out. Benidorm and siblings. I also like True Blood and Dr Who.

    I hope you enjoy sharing ideas on here. 


  • Hi Language lover and welcome to the forum 

    I'm a middle aged female who only found out recently that I am on the autistic spectrum. 

    I've always loved language and reading. As a young girl I enjoyed books like the Narnia chronicles and Alice through the looking Glass. Later I really got into science fiction, fantasy and horror and I particularly enjoy vampire novels. 

    My favourite movies are in a similar genre to the books I enjoy, particularly when they also employ humour, such as ghostbusters, men in black and independence day, but I also like more serious ones such as Alien, twelve monkeys, and blade runner. 

    Going back to language, I enjoyed learning French and Spanish at school but I find understanding the spoken language more difficult than when it is written - I've heard that autism makes us very visual learners and that's certainly true for me.

    I enjoyed music a lot when I was young and taught myself to play guitar at the age of 11. Unlike my female peers I wasn't much into "boy bands". I liked Queen, David Bowie, Pink Floyd and The Clash. Later my husband introduced me to ambient music which is now my favourite genre. 

    I've always had an appreciation of art and design, but I hate it when people are pretentious about it. I remember walking through the Guggenheim gallery in Venice with my husband, giggling together at some of the pieces of "art" on display, to then be taken aback by other pieces which were truly amazing.  We both love the work of the abstract painter Wassily Kandinsky and I've just ordered a print of a painting he did in 1922 to put in our apartment. 

    My art and design fascination includes fashion to a lesser extent, which along with my love of food gives me conversation topics to use with the women at work. I have to be comfortable in what I wear though, so I don't like to buy tight clothes or high heels, but I can admire them on someone else if they look good. 

    I watch a lot of TV and love comedy like 8 out of 10 cats does countdown, not going out. Benidorm and siblings. I also like True Blood and Dr Who.

    I hope you enjoy sharing ideas on here. 


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