Hi there - just a bit about me (new member)

Hi there,

I am a 19 year old female and I was finally diagnosed with high functioning autism last week. I love learning languages and particularly like talking to native speakers!! I also enjoy singer-songwriting and use this as a way of exploring how I'm feeling.

I have had various mental health issues in the past, including anxiety and OCD and have recently been an inpatient in an eating disorder unit, where they recognised certain ASD traits and referred me for an assessment.

The diagnosis, whilst a shock to my parents, has actually been a massive relief for me and I now feel that I can fully be myself and accept myself more.

So I guess I'm just here to say hi and maybe to meet other people who I can relate to. Maybe there's someone who shares similar interests? Or maybe someone has a particular hobby or interest which I might also like?

It would just be nice to be able to chat with people and I'm already finding lots of the discussions very useful! 

So thank you!

  • Hi Language Lover. Getting a diagnosis can only be a positive thing and the old adage 'know thyself' is very apt here because knowing what makes you tick arms you with the fore knowledge about how you might react in certain situations and gives you an idea of what kinds of emotions you are subject to. We're all unique, ultimately, and at least you are now in a position to judge whether there are things in life you perhaps are best to avoid, or at least to limit, and things which you will tend to enjoy and excel at. I kind of liken it to being given a road map of how you need to procede in life (I know that's an oversimplification, but anyway....). 

    I am somewhat interested in computer programming, UFO's, currently watching a lot of stuff about the autism spectrum on YouTube, some TV and radio (mainly LBC for the discussions). 

  • Hi Language Lover. Getting a diagnosis can only be a positive thing and the old adage 'know thyself' is very apt here because knowing what makes you tick arms you with the fore knowledge about how you might react in certain situations and gives you an idea of what kinds of emotions you are subject to. We're all unique, ultimately, and at least you are now in a position to judge whether there are things in life you perhaps are best to avoid, or at least to limit, and things which you will tend to enjoy and excel at. I kind of liken it to being given a road map of how you need to procede in life (I know that's an oversimplification, but anyway....). 

    I am somewhat interested in computer programming, UFO's, currently watching a lot of stuff about the autism spectrum on YouTube, some TV and radio (mainly LBC for the discussions). 

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