Hi there - just a bit about me (new member)

Hi there,

I am a 19 year old female and I was finally diagnosed with high functioning autism last week. I love learning languages and particularly like talking to native speakers!! I also enjoy singer-songwriting and use this as a way of exploring how I'm feeling.

I have had various mental health issues in the past, including anxiety and OCD and have recently been an inpatient in an eating disorder unit, where they recognised certain ASD traits and referred me for an assessment.

The diagnosis, whilst a shock to my parents, has actually been a massive relief for me and I now feel that I can fully be myself and accept myself more.

So I guess I'm just here to say hi and maybe to meet other people who I can relate to. Maybe there's someone who shares similar interests? Or maybe someone has a particular hobby or interest which I might also like?

It would just be nice to be able to chat with people and I'm already finding lots of the discussions very useful! 

So thank you!

  • Hi Language Lover,

    Welcome to the forum!  Whilst it wouldn't be right to say "congratulations" on getting a diagnosis, it certainly must be a massive relief as you say.  Suddenly, everything drops into place, and things become much clearer.

    I'm waiting for a full assessment after referral a year ago (very long waiting list in my area), and as you mention you got yours finally, it sounds like you've been waiting a long time too!

    I've currently learning two languages via the Duolingo app (Esperanto and Danish), and hope to learn others when I've completed these. I also like songwriting, though I did it more when I was younger (primarily a lyricist).

    You say you've found a lot of the discussions useful already, and, as I've found, there are many forum members on hand who are very helpful, either for newly diagnosed people (like yourself) and those still awaiting it (like me!).

    So, welcome along, you've found your new home! 

  • Hi Language Lover,

    Welcome to the forum!  Whilst it wouldn't be right to say "congratulations" on getting a diagnosis, it certainly must be a massive relief as you say.  Suddenly, everything drops into place, and things become much clearer.

    I'm waiting for a full assessment after referral a year ago (very long waiting list in my area), and as you mention you got yours finally, it sounds like you've been waiting a long time too!

    I've currently learning two languages via the Duolingo app (Esperanto and Danish), and hope to learn others when I've completed these. I also like songwriting, though I did it more when I was younger (primarily a lyricist).

    You say you've found a lot of the discussions useful already, and, as I've found, there are many forum members on hand who are very helpful, either for newly diagnosed people (like yourself) and those still awaiting it (like me!).

    So, welcome along, you've found your new home! 

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