Hello - new to forum

Hello all,

I'm a runner and was reading an article from Bob Brown who is a UK endurance runner. he went on to say he suffered from alcoholism, social anxiety etc while still functioning as a PE teacher. I saw a lot of similarities between us. He further said a friend suggested he might have AS, and took the AQ test getting 56. 

This got me thinking and I took the test last night and got 36. My wife was with me and she was giggling because she was seeing so many things that relate to me i.e no empathy, avoiding eye contacted, not liking social situations etc. I have previously done some googling on Social Anxiety Disorder, and past a test with flying colours. So sort of knew there was an issue there. I suffer greatly with IBS (undiagnosed), whenever i get anxious I have diarrehea. I'm permantley on Immodium. My stomach is in knots if I have to go shopping, or anywhere where's there are people. Funny, because I hide it well from my family. Apart from the wife.

The fact is, I'm quite a 'normal' person on the outside, after reading some discussions, i pretty nervous about going to the GP who is probably going to look at me and think there's nothing wrong with this bloke.

Just wondering if anyone else has anxiety issues, which connects to AS.

Sorry, it was supposed to be an introduction. lol

  • Hi, this was helpful as I also have the same problem that I just can't manage with anything like meditation and fine the sensory problems really difficult. Hadn't thought about books. 

    Ive just been diagnosed although close family and myself have known for a while. But it still seems like an adjustment. The psychologist was amazing I got to see to have the assessment and has told me there is lots of help that will be available so it should be worth it in the long run.

    one doctor laughed at the idea I may have had aspergers but I found online a self referral service, along with another gp who's been amazing. If you feel it's a path that will help, persist as ther seems to be a lot of help, it's just finding the right people :) 

  • Hi, this was helpful as I also have the same problem that I just can't manage with anything like meditation and fine the sensory problems really difficult. Hadn't thought about books. 

    Ive just been diagnosed although close family and myself have known for a while. But it still seems like an adjustment. The psychologist was amazing I got to see to have the assessment and has told me there is lots of help that will be available so it should be worth it in the long run.

    one doctor laughed at the idea I may have had aspergers but I found online a self referral service, along with another gp who's been amazing. If you feel it's a path that will help, persist as ther seems to be a lot of help, it's just finding the right people :) 

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