good evening. Mother to beautiful 6 yr old daughter

Good evening ladies and gentlemen.

I am the mother to a lovely 6 yr old daughter who seems to have some complicated behaviours. I am a 34 yr old with adhd diagnosed recently as i have known why i am why i am for years but i got diagnosed to try and access help for my daughter faster.

We have had the first appointment with camhs which seemed to go well but we now need to wait for a few months for a panel to assess if she will get any further appointments and im not sure what to do if they say no!

I have always thought my daughter was adhd like me but with more complex needs but having had a good friend spend time with us he suggested autism or aspergers as he is on the spectrum. I have looked into this and she does seem to tick the boxes although on the higher end.

Im looking for people to offer advice or where to look and how to get seen as school just keep telling me there are children with more complex needs than my daughter as she is lovely and funny. My daughter doesnt know she is funny. it is all accidental as she has no social understandig and so will say what she wants including rude things and will shout out etc...

sorry for rambling. im in work and my head is all over the place

