hello everyone

hi my names nic and i have a 3yr old lg who we think may have a form of autism

she dosent like change, she hates going out of the house and when we do get her out of the house she will continuously ask to go back home, she holds her hands over her ears with certain noises eg the hoover, she lashes out at me and her dad and sister, she wont wear new clothes unless they have been washed first, she also has a fixation on certain films that she will watch over and over again, she has also got a fixation on one dress that she will wear all the time and when i wash it she will have a bit of a breakdown.

i joined the forum for a bit of advice and help so i look forward to talking to you all

  • Well that could be me to be honest!  Your GP can give you a Camhs referall which will start you on the process of diagnosis.  In the meanitime talk to your child's nursery and ask them to be on the look out for certain behaviours as they will be likely asked for their input at some time.  I kept a behavioural diary for my youngest son, so that when we got to camhs I could give them a 'list' of his behaviours.  There's probably lots of stuff that your doing, as parents, already, to help manage your child's behaviou.  Don't forget to list ALL the stuff you do to help manage your child's environment. 

    P.S  It took me three years to get my son to wear underpants in the house.  He's 9 soon and the second he gets home he's in his pants!! Winter, summer, whatever.....pants!! lol x

  • Well that could be me to be honest!  Your GP can give you a Camhs referall which will start you on the process of diagnosis.  In the meanitime talk to your child's nursery and ask them to be on the look out for certain behaviours as they will be likely asked for their input at some time.  I kept a behavioural diary for my youngest son, so that when we got to camhs I could give them a 'list' of his behaviours.  There's probably lots of stuff that your doing, as parents, already, to help manage your child's behaviou.  Don't forget to list ALL the stuff you do to help manage your child's environment. 

    P.S  It took me three years to get my son to wear underpants in the house.  He's 9 soon and the second he gets home he's in his pants!! Winter, summer, whatever.....pants!! lol x

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