Mum of 18-year-old son with 'issues' - semantic-pragmatic disorder?

Hi - just found this forum.

After many years trying to find out what's 'wrong' with our eldest son [he's 18], including assessments from various professional teams and regular attendance at a wonderful childrens' support group, we are still struggling to find a way for our son to manage his lack of social skills ad driect him into the word of independence and work.

He is very shy and awkward, but his social skills when wired up to his online Minecraft community are amazing - he's like a different person! Confident, strong, articulate and very well-respected. He has been 'promoted' to 'monitor' which means he gets to see what others are up to and boot them off if they flout the rules [eg for use of swearing, teasing, inappropriate language].

In real-life social situations though, he fails to read non-verbal or verbal cues and will often come in to a conversation by talking enthusiastically about something totally unrelated and often inappropriate!

He frequently has violent tantrums as his two younger brothers tease him - to most it would be normal sibling teasing, but he finds it totally overwhelming and can't cope. He will run up to his room, screaming and slam the door behind him.

He is currently struggling through his last year at college [doing Games Design, which we thought he'd love, but the academic side really doesn't suit him and he is really finding it hard - he anticipates a 'pass' but only to get himself the BTEC and get out!], but has no idea what to do once he leaves. We admit we don't know how to best direct him either.

I am hoping to find some support and help for him from the community and will be searching through threads for clues!