Son recently diagnosed

My 9 year old son has just been diagnosed with Aspergers. The struggle before the diagnosis got very intense and had no where to turn to. 

Finally after a massive meltdown from my son, my gp kicked off and got us an emergency assessment. 

Feel like we are on an Emotional roller coaster at the moment.

trying to absorb so much info about Aspergers and looking for support groups . 

  • Where you are in the country will have a huge impact on what support you get, it ranges from vary good to non-existent. Taking to your children's school is important, it's also worth finding out if there are any local parent support groups.

    The imacts on life reallty depend on how severe the ASD is, about helping your child learn coping mechanisms if they have meltdowns and also for you as a parent to understand your child's behaviour better. Like most things knowledge is key, educate yourself as much as possible but from proper sources. Also remember that it's not because of anything you did, you aren't to blame and there is no guilt to be apportioned, other than that keep reading the forums, ask questions if you want to and people will do their best to answer.

    For Asperger's I'd really recommend this book!

    The Complete Guide to Asperger's Syndrome (Autism Spectrum Disorder): Revised Edition by Tony Atwood

  • Hello there, I totally know how you feel. My 7 year old daughter was diagnosed ASD 2 weeks ago and we haven't been given any further information or support. Hoping that we hear something soon.

  • hi my daughter who is 9 next week has just be diagnosed to . I feel alone and what to do next