
Hello everyone, my name is Emily but you can call me ZombieBride. I am 19 years old and i love Sonic The Hedgehog, i was diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome when i was 14 years old but in 2015 the diagnoses was changed from Aspergers to Autism Spectrum Disorder Severety level 1 without language impairment and without intelectual disability. My biggest problems are adjusting to change, anxiety, depression and dealing with my obsessions, my social skills are low and i tend to loose friendships often but i am improving. I also have problems with Executive Functioning like making scheduals and taking medication. I live on my own and I dropped out of highschool, i couldn't handle the schedual changes and i had a series of meltdowns.

I live in a small appartment on a reserve with my 8 year old Black lab/Golden Retriever mix Lola, my 2 year old hedgehog Silver, and my 6 month cat Pumpkin. my father visits regularly to make sure im eating, sleeping and taking care of myself. 

I hope i can fit in well in this community and look forward to meeting and getting to know all of you. 

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