Just Diagnosed

Just diagnosed as 'Autistic' at the age of 40, I've come here to help me understand a little more.

I've spent my whole life feeling incredibally far removed from the people around me, I cant help but question whos more delusional... me or them.

  • Hello drone, and welcome. No need to shout, we can hear you perfectly fine.

    Interesting that you put autistic in commas...

    You're in a very good place to find out all about yourself, and there are plenty of us with late diagnosis so don't worry about being so young LOL!

    Seriously, I guess you've got some revelations to come - it was like that for me, but we do try to make each other feel comforted and supported, we 'get' you, we'll listen to you, and there's nothing you can come up with that will surprise any of us, although it's fair to say that it might be you who gets the surprises. Hope so anyway, the best surprise is to discover that you've got a community here. Nice.

    Remember, you are anonymous, so free to speak, but do try to be vareful about giving personal details away yjay might help identify you. Don't obsess over it - if you're unsure, ask first and we'll do our best to guide you.

    There are no taboo subjects really, just say it like it is for you and we'll understand. Other than that, you'll probably find that as you chat on here you'll discover yourself jusy because of being here.

    Welcome again, always good to have a new chum on board

  • Hello drone, and welcome. No need to shout, we can hear you perfectly fine.

    Interesting that you put autistic in commas...

    You're in a very good place to find out all about yourself, and there are plenty of us with late diagnosis so don't worry about being so young LOL!

    Seriously, I guess you've got some revelations to come - it was like that for me, but we do try to make each other feel comforted and supported, we 'get' you, we'll listen to you, and there's nothing you can come up with that will surprise any of us, although it's fair to say that it might be you who gets the surprises. Hope so anyway, the best surprise is to discover that you've got a community here. Nice.

    Remember, you are anonymous, so free to speak, but do try to be vareful about giving personal details away yjay might help identify you. Don't obsess over it - if you're unsure, ask first and we'll do our best to guide you.

    There are no taboo subjects really, just say it like it is for you and we'll understand. Other than that, you'll probably find that as you chat on here you'll discover yourself jusy because of being here.

    Welcome again, always good to have a new chum on board

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