I have probable Undiagnosed Aspergers.

Hello, my name is Kenny, I'm 42 years old. Years ago my G.P. diagnosed me with Social Anxiety Disorder and up until recently I've accepted that. I've recently started reading about Autism and recognize various Autistic traits in myself. I've also done two online ASD tests and the results indicate that I have Aspergers. I find it extremely difficult to interact with people,always have done. I have narrow interests/hobbies which are all-consuming, I find it very difficult to make eye contact. Some say I have an unusual walk, I feel very awkward when walking, stiff posture, there are other things as well. Anyway, I've been to my doctor to ask to be referred for a proper test, but he is totally dismissive, another doctor had the same attitude. I've long felt different to others, and now after doing those tests, I'm absolutely convinced that I've got Undiagnosed Aspergers, two doctors won't take me seriously though, it is so frustrating!  Any advice? It would be good to hear from others with Aspergers.   

  • Hi. Myself and a colleague are thinking of setting up a play centre (soft play area ) for children. Our view is to be able to offer sessions to children with special needs. We plan to offer facilities such as sensory areas and a craft area, providing them wth a safe place f to explore and at the same time a chance for parents/carers to socialise with other parents in similiar situations and who are all in the same boat.

    The reason for this post is to find out if anyone is aware of anything similar and if anyone has experience of running such a facility. Any information would be greatly received.


  • My husband is exactly like Kenny73 described, except he wasn't diagnosed with anxiety. He has it, but denies it. I'm more anxious than him, though.

    I function better socially (slow exposure to people worked but I'm no where near at the same level of other people).

    When our niece was diagnosed it made sense. However, having got closer to her recently (geographically), I realise she's outgoing, confident. I don't see an autistic child in her.

    But just made me realise how much worse he is (and even I).

    I guess we could go to our GPs but would that change?

    My husband is so socially awkward that I feel I need to apologise to people (I don't but almost feel like I have to). He's tongue tied and when he speaks sometimes it's awkward too. I'm probably the same. But I had social jobs that helped me a little.

    I know it's selfish but even if I could tell me people we have autism it'd make it easier (instead of people thinking we're rude or stand-offish). My husband is very kind so that label is not fair and, seems easier to be have a medically acknowledged label - I guess. 

    We both have full-time jobs but we don't fit in. In my case, I fear for my job because I'm not (and try as I might) I always feel the odd ball no one gets.

    Sorry, don't mean to hijack original post. It all just came out.

  • Thank you for your advice, I will ask my G.P. to refer me for a proper test, if he refuses, I'll try another doctor. And if all that fails, I'll try mentioning my predicament to my local MP, it really is a disgrace that there are so many people out there Undiagnosed,  thank you for your advice.

  • There's a relevant thread under diagnosis, entitled "referral help" started by StMartin72, which has had some useful answers

    This keeps coming up. My understanding is that the Government has promised GP referrals were to improve. Time and time again we see it on here, referrals refused for the stupidest and for often downright unprofessional reasons.

    I don't know how we improve this. I don't think any resolution is going to come from NAS. But there are statements a bit back on NAS news on the home page about this

    Go through your MP and point out that you've asked for a diagnosis and been refused. The only way out of this mess is if everybody protests via MPs, media etc against gross unfairness.