Hello from a freelance artist on the spectrum!

Hi everyone.

I'm Giuseppa and I received my autism spectrum diagnosis as an adult two years ago.

I've been a freelancer for the last four years, specialising in instructional/ information design, illustration and 2D animation. You can see my work on my website http://ryuuza.co.uk which also has links to my Facebook, DeviantART and Tumblr pages.

I'll have an exhibitor table at Autism Con in March, so if you're attending, please do come and say hello.

Looking forward to chatting with people here! 

(apologies for the duplicate threads earlier, the internet fell over itself!)

  • Hello Giuseppa,

    I like your website and your illustrations.
    I'm following you on Twitter now.  

  • Thank you very much!

    It does have it's downsides (been a bit strapped lately due to the Christmas period and some clients vanishing off the face of the earth), but the peace of mind I have knowing that I only have myself to answer to, that I can manage my own time and that I get to do work that I enjoy often outweighs the downsides - certainly better for my mental health than previous jobs have been. :)

    Going to try and make 2016 the year when I finally start earning enough to move back out and into my own place.

  • Hi Giuseppa,

    I just saw your web links and I just wanted to say really well done. As someone with Asperger's Syndrome, its really great seeing people on the spectrum do well. You obviously had a talent within you and you've cultivated it into a career that you enjoy and thats the most important.

    I wish I had some sort of talent because it would have made finding a job so much easier for me because I would have had a sense of direction. Unfortunately, when one does not have a talent or a fixated interest, things get very challenging and confusing.