How to meet likeminded people?

Hi, I am the mother of a 32 year old who has recently been diagnosed with Aspergers after a life time of not knowing why he had such difficulties with social interreaction in particular. He lives with us and longs for friends but finds it hard to make them. Unfortunately he has not fully accepted his diagnosis, although underneath he knows it's correct. Is there a way of meeting others in London, perhaps through an online forum. He is an excellent videographer, but his current passion is playing the guitar and he is looking for people to play with in a band.

  • I am not from this country and I don't know how people meet, but when I came here I first volunteered with a charity and met couple of people who in turn introduced me to other. So, in his place I would do that and I will keep meeting people until I find the  right sort of person. Plus people here like guitars, so it shouldn't be a problem. Especially in this big city. I love electronic. Most don't have a clue here, but I managed to find a person that sjhares my hobby and now we listen a lot. She's not even aspie but our love for music transcends all boundries.