

and sorry for a very brief introduction but not sure what to write...

Took me a lot of time and a lot of research and I am still not absolutely sure what is going on but...
This is not about my child, this is about me...
How does it work if you need to talk to someone about it? Do you go to your GP? I have seen her quite often during my pregnancy and afterwards. No official diagnosis was made, I think it was put down to possible pre- and post-natal depression, although she never mentioned the word itself. She arranged for some counselling for me and it worked well for the time being but didn't solve the bigger problem...
I can't just turn up and say look, I think I might be borderline (non-diagnosed) Asperger...
Add all the problems we had at home, zero financial and / or emotional support from my partner and it may seem as a depression but in a bigger picture there are things that are definitely not depression related...
Where do I go from here?

Thank you.

  • Hi erinart,

    Thanks for sharing your experiences and I'm sorry that things are diffcult for you at the moment. I think that you would find it helpful to speak to someone on our helpline as they can signpost you to support. The helpline can also be emailed. We have got some information on our website about being referred to a tertiary service which may be of interest to you as I understand that you've already mentioned issues with private diagnosis and your GP. I hope that this helps you but if not please don't hesitate to contact us as we are here to support you Smile

    Sofie Mod

  • Hi erinart,

    Thanks for sharing your experiences and I'm sorry that things are diffcult for you at the moment. I think that you would find it helpful to speak to someone on our helpline as they can signpost you to support. The helpline can also be emailed. We have got some information on our website about being referred to a tertiary service which may be of interest to you as I understand that you've already mentioned issues with private diagnosis and your GP. I hope that this helps you but if not please don't hesitate to contact us as we are here to support you Smile

    Sofie Mod

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