Hello everyone.

Hello there,

I understand introductions should be short and concise.

I'm 23 years old and have recently been diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome, and it explains a lot. Am out of work at the moment battling alongside depression and generalised anxiety, but have been through mindfulness counselling and am seeing the positive side to focusing on each moment as it comes. I am however doing voluntary work at a library - it's quiet and I get to organise things in perfect order! - and it's great because an intense interest of mine is reading ...

I love birds (of the avian kind ... which I now always sidenote because of various instances of people questioning my sexuality ... birds pertaining to female Homo Sapiens), Fungi, Trees, generally nature in general.

Yes, I have Asperger's and have joined this community because from what I've seen, a lot of people on here are neurotypicals who fail to understand a lot of things, and although my own family can't - or don't want to - understand certain things no matter how hard I try to explain, it does not mean I can't try and help elsewhere. Plus, when I speak to people, I gain understanding myself. There is a vast wealth of knowledge inside each individual's mind, and understanding - or sharing understanding - is key to improving both human relation and betterment.

So yes, I intend to be as active as I can be here, and I really wouldn't mind people asking me questions about what it's like to be a 23 year old male, who's socially inept, hypersensitive to sound, smell, and touch, but overall experiencing the nature of reality in a way compatable to all others* (*possessive apostrophe?).

Short and concise introduction ...

  • Hi,

    Thanks for the reply.

    As for the bird, I'm going to have to say the Dartford Warbler, and I'm very lucky because they're pretty much isolated to the park of the UK wherein I live!

  • Hello Aoren,

    You sound like a really interesting person. I like reading too, but mainly about nutrition, philosophy and psychology. I enjoy reading different books if they capture my attention and are well written, but generally prefer fact to fiction. That said, I enjoy fiction if it is relatable and has a philosophical element or moral. I like Libraries - an oasis of tranquility in a noisy world. I am very sensitive to noise, particularly unexpected and discordant noise. My sensitivity varies according to how anxious I am, other stresses, and how much noise I have already been exposed to. Noise sensitivity it seems, is one of the least understood areas of autism, certainly in my experience.

    Mindfulness is something I would like to pursue further, but have been rather lazy so far!

    What is your favourite bird?