

We need help. Our son was diagnosed with aspergers at an early age and is now twenty years old. He left school just over eighteen months ago and spent a year at collage. Now out of collage and to be honest none the better for being there our son spends his entire day and night in his bedroom. There is no spark of interest in anything. No matter how we try to encourage him, support him and help him, there is nothing. He spends his entire day simply lying on his bed, staring at his laptop. We have tried everything to get him out and look for something to interest him. Nothing, as in absolutely nothing sparks his interest. We have to do everything for him, including signing on, looking for work, filling in forms and nothing comes of it. he is simply wasting away and we seem powerless to help him. We seem to wait on him hand and foot and he doesn’t seem in the slightest way interested in gaining any sort of independence. It is also like we are now expected to do everything for him and we do. We have tried giving him space, simply allowing to make his own decisions but he won’t. Unless we intervene and encourage him out of his room he would not come out other than to eat. He then simply returns to his room. We don’t know what to do, where to turn to or who to ask for help. We want to help but we need help, we need somebody advising us what to do. We are afraid, very afraid of what the future holds of our son, who we love dearly.

Our son, when at school was really quite out going but as now become very with drawn, very pale skinned and sunken eyed. His health is getting worse, due to him simply doing nothing. We rarely get any conversation from him now and we don’t know what to do. It is almost like he is now out of the education system, where we had support and we are now on our own, with no support. We really need some advice here.


  • Hi Grumpy old man,

    I'm sorry that you are worried about your son at the moment. It might be helpful for you to contact our helpline so that we can provide you with further support. We also have a directory where you can search for services that are near you.

    I hope that this helps but if not please don't hesiate to contact us.

    Sofie Mod