I am a struggling mum, how do other mums cope??!

Hi, I am mum to a 9 year old son on the spectrum, I cannot cope with the constant noise

he makes, he jumps around All day. He is really upsetting his 2 very little sisters by making scary noises and chasing the 2 year old. She is terrified of him. When the smallest thing does not go to plan he will scream and shout He doesn't take in information very well at all so I feel powerless to stop his behaviour. I am on my own with 3 children, the younger 2 I get a break from but no one is willing to help with 9yo as his dad lives abroad and family find him a struggle too. I feel like I am losing my Mind and I need some help, I just don't know how. I feel like I really dislike him and the whole situation is very sad x

  • I completely empathise with you.  My 12 yo son also used to make noises (and jump around), constantly. He has Aspergers and ADHD.  He does still do it, but to a lesser extent and over the years I have become very adept at tuning out! I also struggle with the tantrums and hyperactivity - it can be exhausting and utterly draining.

    When my son was a bit younger, I found a useful tip regarding the noises:  I used to tell him he could make as much noise/jump around as much as he liked, but not in the lounge.  Often he would happily leave the room and go and make noises in the hallway - which was perfectly fine by me!

    Please don't become disheartened, it is incredibly hard raising ASD children, and sometimes we all feel overwhelmed.  I myself have only just found this forum, while looking for answers to other ASD problems.

    And a quick read of the forum titles tells me we are not alone, so that's something.  Somtimes when my son exhibits difficult behaviour I think to myself, someone else, somewhere in the world, is also going through this...

     I have only this one child, so cannot offer any suggestions regarding your younger children, but I am sure someone on the forum will be able to help.

    Good luck :)