20yr old m son with aspergers... i cant cope!

Well i never thought i would be writing on the community pages of NAS...Maybe its one of those last resort things where you think.. its only typing things on a page.. no one really reads it or cares but its sometimes helpful to get it all out.. Hmm not sure...

My son was diagnosed when he was about 10 after years of SEN intervention.. school action then school action plus... got excluded within a week of senior school.. had to home teach him for a year whilst working nights as a nurse whilst waiting for a statement... New school... FABULOUS.. school was great.. they loved him... he did well.. Obviously we had the usual troubles but we dealt with them... Nightmare stages through exams.. did those.. did well.. did A levels.. did well... Went to University AND IT ALL FELL TO PIECES.... since then my son has lived in his room.. doesnt talk..  wont take medication prescribed for depression.. drinks...gets up when we go to bed and goes to bed before we get up.. lives on his computer... does not bath.. wash.. change his clothes or have his hair cut... HES 20 years old... what can i do? GP and others wont talk to me as he is a adult.. Im sure he thinks that if he is not around when we are then hes not a niance or trouble... he cant see that hes ripping me apart.. he barrs his door on his bedroom so i cant get in.. Im really at a loose end..Suggestions on a postcard? 

  • Yikes that is heart breaking. I have no words but there's plenty of support here if you need to off load. I'll give you a little insight into my last 3 weeks - it might make you smile.

    So my daughter has epilepsy as well as Asperger syndrome. She is very well controlled & hadn't had a seizure for 4 years until the 28th September. She almost lost  her bottom four front teeth ( they are still a bit wobbly ) - which was a cause of great concern for me as she doesn't do pain or change & her teeth were both of these. 

    So we ended up at the emergency dentist at the hospital - they were brilliant. I was in pieces as I thought she was going to lose her teeth & it was my mum's 2nd anniversary too. They assured me that they should settle down & we made an appointment with the orthodentist in the room next door for the Friday  - he sorted her top teeth last year & luckily we were still under his charge. Anyhow we survived until the Friday - soft food & lots of cuddles. I think she thought he was going to fix them there & then - I knew it was no quick fix. 

    So she was so disappointed when told they would have to wait to see how they settled before they could decide what to do. Also the day before we learnt a boy in the year below her at school had died of a massive fit - so she was not in a good place at all. So picture the scene - I'm at the desk making an appointment for the following week & shes crying her heart out shouting " my mate died " with the dental nurses trying to comfort her. I then gave her a cuddle & accidently tapped her head with my handbag & she went off like a rocket & screamed [removed by mod]. She then ran out passed the hearing clinic & shouted [removed by mod] again - just in case they missed the first one ! I didn't know what to do it was awful. 

    Apologies for super long post & I'vd typed on my iPhone so there's probably lots of typos. Hope I've made you smile a little bit - hang in there - I know it's hard. 

  • Yikes that is heart breaking. I have no words but there's plenty of support here if you need to off load. I'll give you a little insight into my last 3 weeks - it might make you smile.

    So my daughter has epilepsy as well as Asperger syndrome. She is very well controlled & hadn't had a seizure for 4 years until the 28th September. She almost lost  her bottom four front teeth ( they are still a bit wobbly ) - which was a cause of great concern for me as she doesn't do pain or change & her teeth were both of these. 

    So we ended up at the emergency dentist at the hospital - they were brilliant. I was in pieces as I thought she was going to lose her teeth & it was my mum's 2nd anniversary too. They assured me that they should settle down & we made an appointment with the orthodentist in the room next door for the Friday  - he sorted her top teeth last year & luckily we were still under his charge. Anyhow we survived until the Friday - soft food & lots of cuddles. I think she thought he was going to fix them there & then - I knew it was no quick fix. 

    So she was so disappointed when told they would have to wait to see how they settled before they could decide what to do. Also the day before we learnt a boy in the year below her at school had died of a massive fit - so she was not in a good place at all. So picture the scene - I'm at the desk making an appointment for the following week & shes crying her heart out shouting " my mate died " with the dental nurses trying to comfort her. I then gave her a cuddle & accidently tapped her head with my handbag & she went off like a rocket & screamed [removed by mod]. She then ran out passed the hearing clinic & shouted [removed by mod] again - just in case they missed the first one ! I didn't know what to do it was awful. 

    Apologies for super long post & I'vd typed on my iPhone so there's probably lots of typos. Hope I've made you smile a little bit - hang in there - I know it's hard. 

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