a mum in distress.....

Hello, im a mum of 4, who are 9g 4g 2b & 1. Im 30 years old and very proud to be odd!

Im in desperate need of advice, my daughter is 9years old and we are currently going through all the procedures with docs and assesments etc to get her help and the assistance she needs aswell as a diagnosis. We still havent had an official diagnosis, the school think its aspergers and irlen sydrome but the paeds have jumped on the adhd line, which i dont think she has as shes not hyperactive.

Tonight, i am lost, my hubby was pulled aside by her school teacher and was told that my daughter was self harming herself by banging her head against the wall. Although she hasnt broken the skin and bled, there is a cracking bruise.

I dont no what to do to help her, she refuses to talk to me or anyone else simply saying i dont know and she cant explain it!!

I dont no what to do or who to turn to, the gp wasnt much help tonight and her paeds doc doesnt work today (typical)

Any advice or suggestion will be appriciated


  • My son is in year six and has a diagnosis of aspergers/adhd I have been into school today to ask what level my son is working at and they gave me a slip as follows:

    year 3-reading 3c writing 2a maths 2c

    year 4-reading 3b writing 2a maths 3b

    year 5-working towards reading 3 writing 2 maths A (have not got a clue what this means)

    sorry to be thick-I know he is behind and should be at a level 4 or 5 does this mean he has a learning disability? he does not have a statement and has had for the past year group support with a sen assistant to get him up to a higher level which obviously is not working where do I stand with this as my son struggles so badly in primary school and the school will not help me with the statementing process as they say he is academically bright. I have heard its even harder to get a ECHP plan in secondary school so want to get started as soon as possible to  fight for one if this is the case. Is he at the right level to even take his sats? 

    Thankyou very much!

  • Hi ZoeMum2Four,

    I'm sorry that your daughter isn't getting the support she needs at the moment. You've already been to the doctors and this would be something that we would recommend, perhaps you could ask to see a different GP? You may find it helpful to contact our helpline which you can also email http://www.autism.org.uk/our-services/advice-and-information-services/autism-helpline/how-to-contact-us.aspx We have a section on our website about self-harming behaviours http://www.autism.org.uk/living-with-autism/understanding-behaviour/challenging-behaviour/self-injurious-behaviour.aspx There are some contacts at the end that may be able to provide you with further support. If your daughter is at any immediate risk with self-harming then don't hesitate to go to A&E. Hope this helps you but if you need any more help please feel free to contact us.

    Sofie Mod