re hello

Hello I have been told that my daughter who has social anxiety may be on the austic speturm. I have only been told these concerns after she was observed by at hospital edcuation before the summer. This was brought up at a camhs mtg last week. 

So I want to know why I wasn't told about this before. The fact that she worked very hard in class and got her head down. Didn't mix with the other children. I think her social anxiety has a lot to do with this. She is 14 nearly 15 yrs old. 

Now beginning treatment with camhs for her anxiety and a possible referral for an assessment for austism. 

What I want to know is where does it go from here.

The person who mention this was my daughter's learning mentor line manager and in that meeting was a Child & Adolescent Psychiatry who admitted to not being a speacilist in this field. 

Lots of questions now waiting for the wheels to turn etc. 

  • Hi I am back again haven't spoken again to the lady from hospital education today in mtg with Dr from CAMHS. I challenge it again and she said my daughter's behaviour could be down to serve anxiety. She said not to be concerned with labels. I think that professional need to be careful how they talk. Parents can be very sensitive to things that are said about their children. I am ok now. Just needed to talk. My husband looks at as an intellectual point of view doesn't think a label is not a problem but could help her. I agree with that. 

  • Hi I am back again haven't spoken again to the lady from hospital education today in mtg with Dr from CAMHS. I challenge it again and she said my daughter's behaviour could be down to serve anxiety. She said not to be concerned with labels. I think that professional need to be careful how they talk. Parents can be very sensitive to things that are said about their children. I am ok now. Just needed to talk. My husband looks at as an intellectual point of view doesn't think a label is not a problem but could help her. I agree with that. 

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