Newly Diagnosed Adult


I have just been diagnosed with ASD by the specialist diagnostic service in my area.  I have been lurking on this site for a while but figured that now I was "official" I would introduce myself properly.

  • Hi Just Want Some Peace,

    I had a slightly different diagnostic pathway to many adults as I was already under the mental health team and they referred me, so I didn't have to deal with the difficult process of going via the GP.  However, that said, I did have very strong suspicions (I won't say I knew because I am not personally comfortable with self-diagnosis, although it has validity for many) quite some time before the mental health team worked it out, although I did not really discuss it as I was convinced nobody would believe me!

    I think, without going into too much detail, the main pointers for me were the difficulties I have had with people (especially groups and including some overt bullying even as an adult); difficulties with communication (not so much in writing but verbally I often get incredibly frustrated that I simply can't 'get out' what I want to say, particularly where emotions are involved); a kind of 'bundle' of executive functioning & perfectionism & routine/obsession/special interest-related 'stuff' that all kind of interacts and severely impacts my ability to get anything done at times; and a profound sense of 'difference' that I have clear memories of at least back to middle childhood.

    The interaction between all of this and the unsympathetic environments I have often found myself in has left me with issues with anxiety and, to a lesser extent, depression which can be severe at times, hence receiving mental health support.  However I have been fortunate to find a wonderful husband and we have a beautiful and brilliant daughter together, who is also going to be assessed via CAMHS.

    I think the best things about diagnosis are getting the right treatment plan from my mental health team and it in some way validates my experience and gives me the confidence to discuss my autism openly (with selected people of course - no public announcements via loudspeaker!).

  • Hi I'm new here too. 40 years old. I have 2 painful weeks of waiting for my assessmen. People ask me what I am to achieve.... Support, advice and like minded people I guess. i wonder if you felt the same? What do you struggle with and did you self refer because things just didn't add up?

  • Thank you.  I am female by the way, 36 years old.

  • Hello Zitami

    Welcome to the site

  • Might be fairer to ask the Moderators to create this as a new thread, as it isn't fair on Zitami, who was introducing him (her) self.

    Also Zitami is a person with autism, and you are a parent of someone who might be. The perspectives are quite different.

    Something to consider with your son is dyspraxia, as he seems to be socially confident - autism would usually implicate great difficulty making social connections. That can happen too with dyspraxia, there is quite a bit of overlap, but what you are describing seems more about coordinated movement than social interaction.

    Also you say he has high self esteem. Because of the difficulties experienced, people on the spectrum are more likely to manifest low self esteem and lack of self-confidence.

    The context you describe sounds American, it might be useful to clarify that - many respondents on here are UK based, and that could affect perspectives of people answering.

  • My son is almost 17 years old.  I have suspected since he was young that something was different about him.  I have never had him tested.  He is an average student, with not alot of friends.  He is very un-coordinated.  He does like to join things, he is on the track team, Drama Club, Band, Chorus and he is a very good snow and water skier.  He has never had any behvahior issues, but he doesn't interact like the other kids do. Most of his socialization comes from the groups he is involved in.  He doesnt go out much other than that.  He is very good kid.  Over the years whenever I suggested to him that he may be different, he didn't respond well.  He has high self esteem, and i didn't want to hurt that, so I never pushed it.  He holds a part-time job as a dishwasher at a local resturaunt which he enjoys.

    He is a Junior in high school and has every intention of going to college.  I worry what will happen in college, when he rooms with a stranger, when the kids he knows will are not around to look out for him, that new kids well not accept him, that he may fall behind in his school work, that someone may take advantage of him becuase he is too trusting.

    Does anyone have a simialr situation?