Feeling like I'm losing my friend

hay I wrote a post the other day about offering advice well I need advice after being diagnosed with Asperger at the age of 21 I have made some great friends who also been diagnosed with Asperger or autism in adulthood including a really close friend of min. But recently I noticed she gone really distant and I'm really upset by this. I'm not sure if it's because she has a new boyfriend also on the spectrum or if it's because she has family problems. I really don't know what to do I'm really upset by this and I really don't want to lose her as a friend.

  • Good idea. It is worth a try as good friends are hard to come by. She may just be having some difficulties of her own and needs some space to deal with them? I back off from my friends sometimes when I am feeling depressed or anxious. Having a bit of space helps clear my head sometimes.

    Good luck!

  • Hi Grace thanks for the advice I have text her asking her if she like to me on Saturday also my boyfriend suggested we go on a double date and to see how things go I hope things will go well and I haven't lost her as a friend.

  • Maybe contact her and ask? It is hard to do but she may just be so caught up in the new boyfriend that she hasn't remembered her friends are important too?