Awaiting Diagnosis

Hi everyone.

I've been reading this forum for a few weeks, and have just plucked up courage to actually join in!  I'll try to keep my post as concise as I can.  I am a 55 year old male.

Back in May, I decided to read up more about autism, as I didn't know much about it.  My sister works one-to-one with children with autism as a teaching assistant, hence my wanting to find out more about the subject.  I came across the AQ test, and out of interest, completed it.  I was astonished to find my score reading 40.  I also discovered and completed the RAADS test, and this too showed me above the threshold.  I tried re-taking the tests, but each time getting similar scores.

I spoke to my sister about the results, and she surprised me further by confiding to me that she has suspected for some time that I might be "on the spectrum".  My RAADS test score suggested it might be worth speaking to a health professional, and with support from my sister also, I spoke to a GP about my concerns.  I should add that I did a lot of research online, and found several websites (including the NAS one and others like help4aspergers), which were revelatory for me - describing a whole list of AS/autistic traits that I recognise in myself, including many positive ones.  I explained my concerns to a locum doctor at our local practice, and she was excellent, referring me to the MHU of our local hospital (I understand that getting a referral is sometimes the hardest part!).  In the Initial Assessment, they told me that I did indeed present with several autistic traits, and I received a letter soon after confirming I will be referred for a Full Assessment.  The downside is that, in our area, the waiting list is 18 months to 2 years!  Self diagnosis is not an option for me - I only feel comfortable with an official diagnosis.

At this point in time, and for some time to come, I'm going to be in the middle, not knowing where I stand.  I'm aware that people can show some autistic traits without actually having an ASD.  I also find that I'm less affected by some traits, yet others affect me considerably more so, and from what I can gather, everyone with an ASD presents differently - hence the "spectrum"...?

I know at this point I shouldn't necessarily jump to any conclusions as to whether I am on the autistic spectrum or not.  I should add that I don't feel wary of it either - I would feel quite comfortable with a diagnosis of ASD if it did happen, as it would answer so many questions as to how my life has progressed (or not).  As mentioned earlier, the last 3 months or so has been revelatory for me.

It's going to be a long wait for the Full Assessment, but being part of this forum I'm sure will provide support and friendship in the meantime - and after, too - whatever the outcome!

  • Hi CherryBlossomTree,

    Many thanks for your reply.  I very much relate to your feeling of being "in limbo".  It's good to hear you've been referred too, but it's the waiting that can be so unsettling.  I hope you get an appointment for your Initial Assessment soon - even though it can be a long wait for the Full Assessment, at least you know that you are "in the system".  Thank you for the link to your blog - I'll bookmark it.  It's good how we can all share these common experiences.

  • Hi CherryBlossomTree,

    Many thanks for your reply.  I very much relate to your feeling of being "in limbo".  It's good to hear you've been referred too, but it's the waiting that can be so unsettling.  I hope you get an appointment for your Initial Assessment soon - even though it can be a long wait for the Full Assessment, at least you know that you are "in the system".  Thank you for the link to your blog - I'll bookmark it.  It's good how we can all share these common experiences.

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