mummy to 6 year old waiting for Aspergers diagnosis

Just wanted to say hello to all. I am a mummy to a 6 year old princess who is currently going under tests for a diagnosis of Aspergers.

It's been a very tough 2 and a half years with my daughters symptoms showing early at nursery, with so many appointments im starting to loose count!

But we are finally on the home stretch, with an appointment with a neuro-development doctor in September. It sounds horrible but with all that my daughter has gone through i really do hope she does get her diagnosis, as it would put so much at rest. I hate the thought of labelling her, but i know it would be easier for her as she grows older to understand as she goes on in her life and get the support that she needs.

As well as Aspergers, my daughter is being tested for anxiety, depression, social communication difficulties, eating problems, sleeping disorder and adhd. And as the years have gone on, i have learnt so much from her, the way she thinks, the way her brain is working, and im not going to lie, at the beginning up to about a year ago i started to look at her differently in a bad way.

Sadly i have not had the support from family members that i had hoped i would get and i found myself doubting so much as to what is actually going on, some parents would look at it as "naughty child syndrome", but finally with massive support from the school and doctors alike, i am looking at her in a totally different light. Not so much she is "disabled", but she just thinks and acts in a different way to others, and i am adapting to using that in her everyday life! Like with her anxiety, if she is having a bad day i can be more aware and support her the way she would need and know what her limits are to mine. I could want to go out shopping, but i would be able to understand that the way i would just get up and go would mean a lot of distress for my little princess, so i would go about it in a way to help her.

It wasnt until a year ago too that i started to question myself and my behaviours. I have been under the mental health team since the age of 14 and on numerous medications, and was only diagnosed with borderline personality disorder 4 years ago. But as i sit there and have to fill out forms about my daughter, i look at a lot of my behaviours and am now looking into seeing someone about that too. But one step at a time, i can do that at a later date. :D

So, that's me, and my little princess. Just wanting to say hi and give a little background to our story :D