Adult who may be suffering


I am 28 and have suspected autism for some time. It was originally highlighted by someone else who spotted the signs.

I have always struggled immensely in social situations- I now avoid them altogether. So much so that for the past 6 years I have chosen jobs where I can work in solitude. I have no friends. It was 12-18 months before I first spoke to any other child at secondary school and that was only because they approached me. I was always called "weird" because all I did was read and talk about animals.

I excelled at school and I am very good at art. My special interests are animals, especially dogs, who I draw realistically. 

Other people notice things about me that I do not. For example, I'm often described as cold and unaffectionate and don't make eye contact. 

I took the 'autism test' and scored 39.

I summoned the courage, took the plunge and saw my GP today after reading on this main website that seeing a GP is the first step to diagnosis. I love organisation, planning and lists. I wrote down everything I thought was odd about me or possibly autism related to show him-  it ended up being three pages long.

He told me that the fact I've decided to speak to a GP is not an autistic trait. He hasn't referred me and now I'm left feeling lost.

I'm not quite sure what to do now...

  • That's  what I thought. That makes it a lose lose situation. 

    I may go down the private route. 

    I'm struggling at the moment. I have 2 birthday parties, a wedding and a social thing at school to deal with.  It'd be nice to get the ball rolling with this  ut I keep wondering if it's in my head and if I'm  just weird :( but part of me suspects not and I'd  like clarification. 

  • The fact you decided to speak to a GP is not an autistic trait... what on earth?? That is as about as logical as the medieval witch trial, where if you float you are guilty/drown you are innocent.

    I would change your GP, if you can. Younger ones might be more clued-up. And is there any way the other person who spotted the signs could come with you, or write something to back you up?

    Some private psychologists do pre-assessment reports. The one I spoke to (who I found via Google) charged £50, which basically covered analysing results of the AQ and EQ and writing a report advising that the GP refers you for NHS assessment. Good luck!