** Parent of newly diagnosed 4yo ** Some questions...

Hi all, I hope you're all well. 

In June, my son was diagnosed with moderate ASD with a mild learning difficulty( the team would like his cognitive skills reassessed in two years.) Although I had come to expect it over the last year I was very upset and have a range of mixed emotions, many are fear for his future. I pushed for an EHCP which the nursery initiated so that was great, and he is going to be attending a specialist school in September.

I've joined this board mainly to find out more information and to share experiences. 

My son is the only boy of four children and the last child. Luckily one of his sisters talks for England so offers him lots of language (he is verbal, but this has exploded in the last year due to techniques we were taught at SALT) and social skills which he is learning well from. My only fear is going to a specialist school he would not have the typical peer modelling he is currently receiving at nursery and has greatly benefitted from, but I really do appreciate the school he has been allocated, I initially fought for a provision with an ASD base but unfortunately they were full.

The consultant suggested my son may only need a step up with the specialist school for a few years as he has responded so well to techniques from ourselves and nursery, so that is very hopeful too.

I also wondered if any other parents stair cased their children's education? My hopes would be specialist first, see how he gets on, a school with an ASD base and maybe mainstream, although I'm not desperate about this, I prefer the best of both going forward. This will all rely on how well he responds to the setting etc, but would be good to hear from others who's children have moved from specialist to Enhanced learning provision?

Thanks in advance.