Hi new member

Just joined this forum as my son just approaching his 4th birthday has been diagnosed with autism.

As I would like to help him all that I can and find out as much info as needed.

  • Hi, welcome Smile.  Lots of info via the home pg + the posts so have a good look around.  I think your aim should be to find out as much about autism as possible + how it affects your child in particular.  Every person is different.  Don't try to cram all the info in; there's too much to learn all at once.  Bite sized chunks instead.  Come on here whenever you want + ask whatever you want.  How's your son doing?

  • Hi, welcome Smile.  Lots of info via the home pg + the posts so have a good look around.  I think your aim should be to find out as much about autism as possible + how it affects your child in particular.  Every person is different.  Don't try to cram all the info in; there's too much to learn all at once.  Bite sized chunks instead.  Come on here whenever you want + ask whatever you want.  How's your son doing?

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