my 16 yr old son hardly talks or leave the house

He was diagnosed last July with high functioning he stopped going school beginning of yr 10, he's uninterested in everything hardly talks when he does you can hardly hear him, he starts at a college in September but I don't know if he'll go even though they have offerd him he's own tutor to start with. People tell me one day he will change and start being interested in life, has anyone on hear been through this and come out the other end?  I worry for he's future.

  • My son at that point in his life now I having tto get support been trying for years xi hope things get better for you my son shut himself away since december been trying sort education out for 3 years . Got diagnosis at 12 .

  • My son at that point in his life now I having tto get support been trying for years xi hope things get better for you my son shut himself away since december been trying sort education out for 3 years . Got diagnosis at 12 .

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