Newly diagnosed adult - very confused!

Morning all,

I was diagnosed with ASD on Friday and am completely reeling.

I am thirty-four years old and female. I have been treated for depression and anxiety since I was 18. In September I suffered a nervous breakdown. My husband suffers from ADHD and had been pushing me to be assessed for a while, and following the breakdown I agreed, because quite frankly I was non-functional and something had to change.

In November (I live in Oldham which finally has provision for this sort of thing on the NHS) I was diagnosed with ADHD (Hyperactive type). The curve ball was that my assessor asked me to see her colleague as well to be assessed for ASD.

I was surprised, but thinking nothing would come of it, didn't read up on it. As such, when I was told yesterday that I had do also have ASD I was knocked sideways. The assessor said that I'm very high functioning and mask well due to high intelligence but she was confident in her diagnosis. She said I have the variant that they used to refer to as Asperger's Syndrome.

I'm so confused and a bit in denial still. I mean, I'm empathic to a fault. I would say highly talkative, but I know that's a female symptom for hyperactive ADHD.

I'm starting the long process now of untangling the two to find a way forward.

  • Hi Hester Starling

    Welcome to the Forum, suppose this must answer alot of questions fro you over the years? Its answered alot for me thought the process 'for me atleast' is of reflection on previous years where something has not felt wright but at the time wasn't able to identify this.

    All the best and kind reguards Steven..

  • Hi Hester Starling

    Welcome to the Forum, suppose this must answer alot of questions fro you over the years? Its answered alot for me thought the process 'for me atleast' is of reflection on previous years where something has not felt wright but at the time wasn't able to identify this.

    All the best and kind reguards Steven..

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