Mum to an ADHD 3 year old. Hi!

Hi there! My sons 3 years old and is currently in the early stages of trying to get the diagnosis.

My health visitor told me to join this website and get some support from families who are going through the same. I'm not quite sure whether she believes he may have autism as he covers his ears a lot to noise. I don't believe he's autistic, but I know for a fact he has ADHD. I don't even need a professional to tell me. His development is around a year behind due to no patience to learn anything. He's also going for speech therapy at the moment. I'm hoping things may move sooner when he starts nursery next week.

Anyway, just looking for a bit of support and understanding from people going through a similar situation!

  • Posted four times? At least he got his ADD honestly....

    EDIT: my sniping aside, youll likely get your support here, but given the sensory issue why dont you think your son has an ASV? Is it just wishful thinking?

  • Posted four times? At least he got his ADD honestly....

    EDIT: my sniping aside, youll likely get your support here, but given the sensory issue why dont you think your son has an ASV? Is it just wishful thinking?

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