stressed newbie

hi everyone ,my 4yr old girl was diagnosed last week with autism ,now im ultra stressy even though we new it was coming ,my brain just seems to be full of questions ,fear of how difficult lifes going to be for her ,weather were going to get it right for her etc ,im sure il get the answers on here and look forward to some good discussions with you all xx

  • Hi Smile.  Welcome.  Check out the posts relating to diagnosis + you'll find your feelings are perfectly natural.  There's loads of info via the home pg + the posts, so check it out, if you haven't already.  Also ask anything you want, that's that this site's here for.  Also, + I know it's difficult, but try not to get over-stressed.  It won't do your little girl, you, or anyone else any good at all.  Don't forget she's the same little girl she always was.  There's no hurry to try +learn everything at break-neck speed.  Bite-sized-chunks are best, imo.  Smile