Hi All

Hi everyone.  My 9 year old daughter was diagnosed as being on the Autism spectrum May last year - after a long five year battle with the Head Pediatrician, who was convinced she was just, in his words, "slow".  When he finally agreed to a meeting with a number of other professionals - MAP team, Speech & Language Therapist, Ed Psych, Head Mistresses of two schools and a Psychologist who all insisted she was showing signs of ASD, he finally conceded and agreed.

We're now at a point where we're really not sure where to go next, or even if we need to look at a "where next" scenario.  We've got the official diagnosis, her school is fantastic and she doesn't move up to secondary school for another two years or so, at which point they have an Autism unit.

My daughter isn't at the worse end of the spectrum, she's funny and quirky and extremely loving, but when she isn't having a good day, oh boy! :)

So I'm here just hoping to learn a lot just by reading the site and seeing how other people manage, and basically just trying to find somewhere where people understand when you post "god, what a day. . " or can laugh with you at some of the antics you end up getting involved with.

Enough waffle from me :)


  • Hi Lisa

    Wow it does sound like you had a battle but I am glad you got there in the end!  I am waiting to have my 11 year old son assessed for Aspergers ... slow progress!!  

    He sounds much like your daughter ... when they are fine they are fine but the bad days are bad with a capital B!!  

    I am new on here so I am just finding my feet!!  Hope to bump into you soon :) 


  • Hi Lisa

    Wow it does sound like you had a battle but I am glad you got there in the end!  I am waiting to have my 11 year old son assessed for Aspergers ... slow progress!!  

    He sounds much like your daughter ... when they are fine they are fine but the bad days are bad with a capital B!!  

    I am new on here so I am just finding my feet!!  Hope to bump into you soon :) 


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