Not sure where to put this, so I will do it here (fyi I am new);

Yeah, I've got arspergers (I was diagnosed in my final year of secondary school after being sectioned through my GCSEs due to self-medicating with drugs). I moved away after my diagnosis, tried to attend local mainstream college, after my first year they gave me the ultimatum of leaving freely or being excluded, their reason was that they weren't equipped to support me. I have to now fight for a year and a half to get funding for Farleigh college in Frome (for those who don't know, it's a priory college that requires a lot of funding to be allowed in). I managed to get the funding after tooth and nail fighting, but at this point I already had other massive problems in my life and another self-medicated habit to numb it. Two of my good friends died during the same few months, it sent me on a bit of a downhill spiral, even though Farleigh took me on knowing I dealt with my autism/arspergers through this method, I was kicked out for openly admitting to them that I was using cannabis to cope with the trauma. When I went to his funeral, I was due to return on the Friday after the funeral, I rung the Thursday and was told I wasn't to return because of the misuse, even though the only reason they knew about it at all was because I wanted the right support and didn't see the point in dishonesty.

I'm now nineteen, twenty this year. I'm a manic depressive, I can't get into mainstream education, nor will Surrey (my county) fund me for specialist education. The police constantly are involved, I'm currently on two counts of bail (one for assault, one for criminal damage) as a result of this. I'm constantly paranoid, I really struggle to find any sense or point in life anymore. I've been exiled, left to rot. I've tried getting help from TRANSITIONS/PATHWAYS/social services (notably; this has not always been by my own doing) and finally the National Austistic Society, and what have all of these groups returned to me with? "You fit into a little pocket of autism which is difficult to get funding for, so here's an idea, why don't you contact this other association that we know won't ever be able to offer support and stop hassling us?"

I want to know, since this forum is for those who help/speak/advise people with our condition, what am I doing wrong? What have I ever done wrong?