Looking for help but keep getting brick walls


I am a 38 yo mum of two girls.  I have recently found myself looking at the aspergers route as I have so many traits from the syndrome.

I have been to my GP and have been referred to psychiatrists, who basically fobbed me off and more recently referred to a psychologist, who told me that she could see nothing clinitcally wrong (even though I told her about what do to myself and I have read about is looks as though is a tick/stimming)even though she said i self harm (i hit myself, but it is to divert anger not to knock myself out.)

I am looking for tips and tricks to help cope as I have pretty much rock bottom with it all and I ended up leaving the house last night with the thought of not coming back due to how I am feeling.

3rd parties don't want to know me as I don't have a diagnosis and the people who are supposed to of helped me can't see my reasoning as to why i want the label.?!?!?

I really hope someone can help me as this has taken a lot to do and i now feel as though i am no longer living and just treading water.

Thank you


  • Hi,

    If the NHS see a problem that needs urgent intervention then they should pick this up and do something with it. If you present to the surgery with a query about an odd habit that you are wondering about then they may tell you that there is nothing they see as necessary. It is hard to tell from your post whether you fall into the category of "urgent care required" or the category of "curiosity". One problem arises when someone is on the verge of breakdown and they are turned away because they don't appear to be desperate enough.

    I would suggest that you learn all about the condition - lots of stuff on the website and here on the forum (no diagnosis required before posting Smile )

    I found a book www.amazon.co.uk/.../ref=sr_1_1 very useful before I got diagnosed. It may help you understand the condition and some things you can do to improve your life as a sufferer.

    Have you tried the online test at aspergerstest.net/.../ ? This may help to confirm or deny your suspicions - the test is the best indicator that I know without the expense and trouble of getting a diagnosis.

  • Hi,

    If the NHS see a problem that needs urgent intervention then they should pick this up and do something with it. If you present to the surgery with a query about an odd habit that you are wondering about then they may tell you that there is nothing they see as necessary. It is hard to tell from your post whether you fall into the category of "urgent care required" or the category of "curiosity". One problem arises when someone is on the verge of breakdown and they are turned away because they don't appear to be desperate enough.

    I would suggest that you learn all about the condition - lots of stuff on the website and here on the forum (no diagnosis required before posting Smile )

    I found a book www.amazon.co.uk/.../ref=sr_1_1 very useful before I got diagnosed. It may help you understand the condition and some things you can do to improve your life as a sufferer.

    Have you tried the online test at aspergerstest.net/.../ ? This may help to confirm or deny your suspicions - the test is the best indicator that I know without the expense and trouble of getting a diagnosis.

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