About Me

hello im aspiegirl i have aspergers syndrome i was one of the first to be diagnosed in my area we had such a fight to getting me diagnosed

at my primary school the headtecaher throught i was really naughty and i wasentg allowed to go out i wasent allowed to play i had to stay like a prisioner outside his office, i wasent allowed to go to any lessons and the head teacher would verbally abuse me and would pull me back by my hair or shirt if i tried to escape...wouldent let me eat lunch...i sat outside his office all alone crying with no one...

my mum knew something was wrong so she tried to get me dianosed, the head teacher wouldent allow anyone in too see me  as he dident want people knowing how cruel he was too me and how he treated me was horrible.....everyone in the school hated me because of him and people started bullying me

he one day phoned my mum up and said oh keep her off school as the children need a break from her, so my mum phoned county and played her the message (we recorded it) to the council saying it was because OFSTED were coming and they dident want me saying how cruelly treated me

eventually i got taken out of school a year early as i wasent taught anything and went to my local children centre at the hospital to go in hunt to get diagnosed.....

at this time it was time to start secoundry school so i went into year 7 really struggling no knowledge on how to read or write or anything....

the school thought i was never going to get grades.....i finally age 11 got diagnosed with aspergers syndrome FINALLY !!!!!!!!!!!!

the school and everyone dident know what to do as they never had a girl with aspergers before they had boys but never girls.....i soon found out i was first girl in my area to be diagnosed and soon realised they may have misdiagnosed people !!!!!

i was the guinea pig for the county and the school to trial support for girls so tried me with everything going to see what suited my aspergers

finally school got better and i went mainstream secoundry school they were BRILLIANT they finally gave me support and i had 24/7 support which was on my statement untill i left year 12 the LSA`s were so understanding.....

the school thought i wasent going to get grades as i wasent taught at primary school anything so had to start from scratch untill year 10 i was catching up on stuff i should of learnt ages ago....but with loads of support i got all my GCSE grades A-C enough to go into childcare in which i love doing (even got recognition by head teacher ...school wasent all great been bullied 12 years to this day....whihc really impacted my health and i started getting more and more angry with myself and others and  had repeated meltdowns... ( slowly getting less frequent) of course still happen as i easily get angry.

i love childcare and on my stretch of college and so close to being level 3 qualified

i would love to use my knowledge of having aspergers to help others so if you have any questions let me know i know lots about autism and aspergers....

  • i also supper really bad anxierty and depression..... i find it really hard to socialise and talk to people as i dont know how to start a convesation....

    i also very sensory and very sensative to noise, really strong smell and really dont like putting my feet on the floor because  of texture on the carpet, both through my shoes and on my feet....i love sensory items i got a sensory pillow and a night light in which really helps me to sleep

    i love drama group (PQA Pauline Quirke Academy) and i started it in year 7 aged 11 i have grown so much since then and it has helped me abit with my confidence....i have grown up there its like my family i am now 18 and still going....i reccomend it to anyone who want to make build on confidence... learn new social and teamwork skill....i love acting and singing as its my way to let my feelings out and i can let it out all through my drama

    i also have a tortoise called Colin who i really love he is so cuddly and funny he has also been somuch help as i love talking to him and letting out my feelings....he is on youtube is anyone want to view him... under Borntobefamous69

    i really struggle aswell with recognising peoples emotions and find it hard to read facial expressions and still have speech and language.

  • i also supper really bad anxierty and depression..... i find it really hard to socialise and talk to people as i dont know how to start a convesation....

    i also very sensory and very sensative to noise, really strong smell and really dont like putting my feet on the floor because  of texture on the carpet, both through my shoes and on my feet....i love sensory items i got a sensory pillow and a night light in which really helps me to sleep

    i love drama group (PQA Pauline Quirke Academy) and i started it in year 7 aged 11 i have grown so much since then and it has helped me abit with my confidence....i have grown up there its like my family i am now 18 and still going....i reccomend it to anyone who want to make build on confidence... learn new social and teamwork skill....i love acting and singing as its my way to let my feelings out and i can let it out all through my drama

    i also have a tortoise called Colin who i really love he is so cuddly and funny he has also been somuch help as i love talking to him and letting out my feelings....he is on youtube is anyone want to view him... under Borntobefamous69

    i really struggle aswell with recognising peoples emotions and find it hard to read facial expressions and still have speech and language.

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