me and my son

Hi, gosh where to start?

My son is 8 struggled at school since nursery, we've seen so many specialists in education and health that I've lost count. We've had a diagnosis from paediatrician of a.d.d but she say he's not autistic.

Education autism team disagrees, don't know what to think - next step from paedatrician is drugs for a.d.d.

Feel lost in the system and don't know what to do: school is trying but he's becoming increasingly distanced from peers to point he's almost completely withdrawn from classroom, they struggle to handle him and he struggles to handle it.

Nhs and educational specialists we've seen all seem useless, they just tick boxes on forms and do nothing. Lea won't provide any funding for school.

CCurrently struggling with son randomly but regularly vomitting for no particular reason, seems purely psychological with no pattern. Reading online this is quite common?

So hard, just want him to be happy and healthy. He's great when 1:1 with me, happy and well behaved, clearly not academic but good with lego and tries hard at homework etc. 

Sorry for brain dump, so much in my head can't get it all down, but that's us in brief :)

  • i vomited quite often from the age of 14 to like 21 when going out in social situations turns out it seems like it was an anxiety symptom in my case since Anxiety was mentioned as part of my Aspergers 

    so it could be anxoety in your sons case just a thought 

  • i vomited quite often from the age of 14 to like 21 when going out in social situations turns out it seems like it was an anxiety symptom in my case since Anxiety was mentioned as part of my Aspergers 

    so it could be anxoety in your sons case just a thought 

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