Hi there, new to ASD and new to forum

Hi there everyone

My son age 9 is being assessed for ASD, specifically Aspergers. Its likely a formality as at our first session, the clinician said it looked pretty clear cut. I'm feeling really emotional and overwhelmed right now, hoping that chatting to other parents in the same boat might help.

My son has what I understand to be 'classic' traits such as unusual food habits and preferences, sleep problems, difficulty making and maintaining friendships, poor coordination and motor skills, and he's prone to go into meltdown if he's upset about something. He also has behaviours I would associate more with OCD, like the TV has to be on a volume ending in 0 or 5 and his door lock has to be pointing up not down. 

He's an amazing little boy, he's funny and bright and interesting, I'm terrified for him that a diagnosis of ASD will make him feel more isolated and 'different' than he already does. I guess we're just starting out with all this so any support along the way would be very gladly received! 

  • Hi All,

    My son (aged 7) has just been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome and ADHD. Whilst it is great to finally have a diagnosis it also hits home the reality of the situation. I am so worried about the challenges and struggles he will have in his life and want to know how I can best help him to achieve a normal life.

    I have started to read as much as possible and I am trying to find out the best treatment solutions for him at this stage given we have a reasonably early diagnosis. Any advice for someone new to this would be much appreciated. I also wanted to ask if anyone else had experienced family members who couldn't accept or understand the diagnosis?

    He is highly intelligent and I would like for him to remain in main stream schooling, but need to make sure he is in a school where he gets the support he needs and have teachers who really understand him and prepared to work on strategies with him.

    It feels an insurmountable climb at the minute, but we're taking one day at a time.


  • Hi All,

    My son (aged 7) has just been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome and ADHD. Whilst it is great to finally have a diagnosis it also hits home the reality of the situation. I am so worried about the challenges and struggles he will have in his life and want to know how I can best help him to achieve a normal life.

    I have started to read as much as possible and I am trying to find out the best treatment solutions for him at this stage given we have a reasonably early diagnosis. Any advice for someone new to this would be much appreciated. I also wanted to ask if anyone else had experienced family members who couldn't accept or understand the diagnosis?

    He is highly intelligent and I would like for him to remain in main stream schooling, but need to make sure he is in a school where he gets the support he needs and have teachers who really understand him and prepared to work on strategies with him.

    It feels an insurmountable climb at the minute, but we're taking one day at a time.


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